We suggest that you work on large solid surfaces:
Surface plate
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REF : 110888
Silicon carbide brush, Fartools PRO
Surface irrégulière
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REF : 110874
Metal wire brush, Fartools PRO
Surface plate
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REF : 110868
Flap brush A80, Fartools PRO
Surface irrégulière
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REF : 110885
Brass wire brush, 0,3mm, Fartools PRO
Surface plate
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REF : 110864
Zirconium oxyde flap brush, grain 120, Fartools PRO
Surface irrégulière
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REF : 110863
Synthetic fibre brush G240 and flaps G120, Fartools PRO
We propose 2 models of fine brushes to be adapted according to your support:
[id_masterPrix] => 224
[id_masterProduit] => 224
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REF : 110898
Brass wire brush, 20mm wide, Fartools PRO
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REF : 110897
Strip brush, width 20 mm, Fartools PRO