Array ( [id_masterPrix] => 2050 [id_masterProduit] => 2050 [id_masterBoutikA] => 1500 [id_masterBoutikB] => 1520 [id_masterBoutikC] => 0 [product_default_file] => medias/product_default.png [path_file_hd] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/HD/216022-dt.webp [image_file] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/WEBP/216022-dt.webp [image_file_min] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/Vignettes/216022-dt.jpg [image_file_hd] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/HD/216022-dt.jpg [allPhotos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [HD] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/HD/216022-dt.jpg [REELLE] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/WEBP/216022-dt.webp [BD] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/HD/216022-dt.jpg [MIN] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/HD/216022-dt.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [HD] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/HD/216022-dt-2.jpg [REELLE] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/WEBP/216022-dt-2.webp [BD] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/BD/216022-dt-2.webp [MIN] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/HD/216022-dt-2.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [HD] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/HD/216022-dt-3.jpg [REELLE] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/WEBP/216022-dt-3.webp [BD] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/BD/216022-dt-3.webp [MIN] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/HD/216022-dt-3.jpg ) [3] => Array ( [HD] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/HD/216022-dt-4.jpg [REELLE] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/WEBP/216022-dt-4.webp [BD] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/BD/216022-dt-4.webp [MIN] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/HD/216022-dt-4.jpg ) [4] => Array ( [HD] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/HD/216022-dt-10.jpg [REELLE] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/WEBP/216022-dt-10.webp [BD] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/BD/216022-dt-10.webp [MIN] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/HD/216022-dt-10.jpg ) [5] => Array ( [HD] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/HD/216022-dt-11.jpg [REELLE] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/WEBP/216022-dt-11.webp [BD] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/BD/216022-dt-11.webp [MIN] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/HD/216022-dt-11.jpg ) [6] => Array ( [HD] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/HD/216022-dt-70.jpg [REELLE] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/WEBP/216022-dt-70.webp [BD] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/BD/216022-dt-70.webp [MIN] => medias/photos-catalogue/Photos/HD/216022-dt-70.jpg ) ) [gencod] => 3431542160223 [reference] => 216022 [reference_fournisseur] => XF-METAL [reference_masterProduit] => 216022 [label_FR] => Grignoteuse à tôle sans fil [label_lang] => Grignoteuse à tôle sans fil [sublabel_lang] => [description_FR] => [description_lang] => [min_description_FR] => [min_description_lang] => [poids] => 2.100 [delta_stock] => 1 [stock] => 111 [quantite_reception] => 0 [date_reception] => 1899-10-28 00:00:00 [indisponible] => 0 [conditionnement] => 1 [PHT] => 128.250 [PTTC] => 153.900 [PHT_promo] => 107.500 [PTTC_promo] => 129.000 [PHT_forcing] => 0.000 [PTTC_forcing] => 0.000 [Prix_quantitatif] => Array ( ) [taxe] => 1.20 [ecotaxe] => 0.42 [Promo] => 1 [Forcing] => 0 [PV_HT] => 107.500 [PV_TTC] => 129 [nbAllPrice] => 1 [PHT_first] => 128.250 [PTTC_first] => 128.250 [PHT_promo_first] => 107.500 [PTTC_promo_first] => 129.000 [AllSecondeVie] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_masterPrix] => 8519 [reference] => 216022-BP-001 [photos] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [HD] => medias/photos-catalogue/Sav/Photos_seconde_vie/216022-BP-001-dt.webp [REELLE] => medias/photos-catalogue/Sav/Photos_seconde_vie/216022-BP-001-dt.webp [BD] => medias/photos-catalogue/Sav/Photos_seconde_vie/216022-BP-001-dt.webp [MIN] => medias/photos-catalogue/Sav/Photos_seconde_vie/216022-BP-001-dt.webp ) ) [PHT] => 128.250 [PTTC] => 153.900 [PHT_promo] => 59.167 [PTTC_promo] => 71.000 [stock] => 1 [id_masterStatutSecondeVie] => 1 [StatutSecondeVie] => Array ( [id_masterStatutSecondeVie] => 1 [label] => BON PLAN [icone] => [background] => #177245 [color] => #FFFFFF [ordre] => 0 [date_updated] => 2024-05-16 12:39:43 [date_created] => 2024-05-15 17:51:46 [id_StatutSecondeVie] => 1 [sublabel] => Produit neuf sans emballage avec garantie commerciale ) [description] =>modèle: XFB-NIBBLER
Produit neuf sans emballage
) ) [SecondeVie] => [taxe_first] => 1.20 [ecotaxe_first] => 0.42 [Promo_first] => 1 [PV_HT_first] => 107.500 [PV_TTC_first] => 129 [data_trieur] => Array ( [id_masterPrix] => 2050 [DATA] => Array ( [PARENTS] => Array ( [92] => Array ( [ENFANTS] => Array ( [993] => Array ( [label] => 18 V [label_lang] => 18 V [image] => [color] => ) ) [ordre] => 0 [label] => Tension [label_lang] => tension ) [185] => Array ( [ENFANTS] => Array ( [1501] => Array ( [label] => 1200 CPS/MIN [label_lang] => 1200 CPS/MIN [image] => [color] => ) ) [ordre] => 6 [label] => Fréquence de frappe [label_lang] => hitting rate ) [188] => Array ( [ENFANTS] => Array ( [899] => Array ( [label] => Non [label_lang] => Non [image] => [color] => ) ) [ordre] => 10 [label] => Carter indexable sans outils [label_lang] => free wheel cover ) [198] => Array ( [ENFANTS] => Array ( [796] => Array ( [label] => Li-ion [label_lang] => Li-ion [image] => [color] => ) ) [ordre] => 12 [label] => Type de batterie [label_lang] => type of battery ) [80] => Array ( [ENFANTS] => Array ( [899] => Array ( [label] => Non [label_lang] => Non [image] => [color] => ) ) [ordre] => 14 [label] => Blocage d'arbre [label_lang] => arbor lock ) [52] => Array ( [ENFANTS] => Array ( [899] => Array ( [label] => Non [label_lang] => Non [image] => [color] => ) ) [ordre] => 14 [label] => Eclairage [label_lang] => lighting ) [120] => Array ( [ENFANTS] => Array ( [899] => Array ( [label] => Non [label_lang] => Non [image] => [color] => ) ) [ordre] => 18 [label] => Variateur de vitesse [label_lang] => electronic variable speed ) [137] => Array ( [ENFANTS] => Array ( [899] => Array ( [label] => Non [label_lang] => Non [image] => [color] => ) ) [ordre] => 19 [label] => Changement rapide d'outil [label_lang] => fast change of tool ) [9] => Array ( [ENFANTS] => Array ( [6] => Array ( [label] => Boite couleur [label_lang] => Boite couleur [image] => [color] => ) ) [ordre] => 19 [label] => Emballage [label_lang] => packaging ) [208] => Array ( [ENFANTS] => Array ( [899] => Array ( [label] => Non [label_lang] => Non [image] => [color] => ) ) [ordre] => 40 [label] => Mouvement pendulaire [label_lang] => pendular movement ) ) ) [sqlTrieur] => SELECT tC.*, MTP.label AS Parent, MTE.label AS Enfant, MTE.image, MTE.value, MTP.ordre FROM trieurCollection tC INNER JOIN masterTrieurParent MTP USING(id_masterTrieurParent) INNER JOIN masterTrieurEnfant MTE ON tC.id_masterTrieurEnfant = MTE.id_masterTrieurEnfant WHERE tC.id_masterPrix = :id_masterPrix ORDER BY MTP.ordre, MTE.ordre ASC [nbTrieur] => 10 [sqlTrieurParent] => SELECT ParentLang.* FROM masterTrieurParent LEFT OUTER JOIN trieurParent_EN ParentLang USING(id_masterTrieurParent) WHERE id_masterTrieurParent = :id_masterTrieurParent [sqlTrieurEnfant] => SELECT EnfantLang.* FROM masterTrieurEnfant LEFT OUTER JOIN trieurEnfant_EN EnfantLang USING(id_masterTrieurEnfant) WHERE id_masterTrieurEnfant = :id_masterTrieurEnfant [id_masterProduit] => 2050 ) [type_produit] => ACCESSOIRE [url_link] => en/cordless-handpower-tools/tools-without-battery/grignoteuse-a-tole-sans-fil-2050.html [canonical] => en/cordless-handpower-tools/tools-without-battery/grignoteuse-a-tole-sans-fil-2050.html [hreflang] => Array ( [fr] => Array ( [url_link] => fr/electroportatif-sans-fil/outils-sans-batterie/grignoteuse-a-tole-sans-fil-2050.html ) [en] => Array ( [url_link] => en/cordless-handpower-tools/tools-without-battery/grignoteuse-a-tole-sans-fil-2050.html ) ) [listing_visible] => true [page_visible] => true [form_cart] => true [form_cart_infos] => ALLOWED PRODUIT TYPE [variante] => [id_marque] => 5 [code_marque] => 93 [marque] => Array ( [id_marque] => 5 [id_masterMarque] => 1 [label] => [caption] => [description] => [image] => [width] => [height] => [link] => [color] => [background] => [actif] => [ordre] => 0 [code_import] => [date_updated] => 2022-09-06 12:28:58 [date_created] => 2022-09-06 11:23:34 ) [Exceptions] => Array ( [id_prixException] => 9593495 [id_masterPrix] => 2050 [reference] => 216022 [variante] => [id_marque] => 5 [code_marque] => 93 [label_marque] => X-FIT [NomFichierFicheProduitVarianteActive] => 216022.pdf [NomFichierVueEclateeVarianteActive] => 216022.pdf [NomManuelVarianteActive] => 216022-Manual-B.pdf [VideoYoutube] => [gencod] => [date_updated] => 2024-10-15 12:40:13 [date_created] => 2024-10-15 12:40:13 ) [varianteNotActive] => [VarianteAnterieurs] => Array ( ) [data_seconde_vie] => Array ( ) [SEO] => Array ( [id_seo] => 19 [id_masterPrix] => 2050 [reference] => 216022 [title] => [description] => [keywords] => [date_updated] => 2024-07-17 14:59:42 [date_created] => 2024-07-17 14:59:42 ) [OG] => Array ( ) [income] => Array ( [id_masterPrix] => 2050 [variante] => [variante_texte] => VIDE ) )
Array ( [id_masterPrix] => 2050 [DATA] => Array ( [PARENTS] => Array ( [92] => Array ( [ENFANTS] => Array ( [993] => Array ( [label] => 18 V [label_lang] => 18 V [image] => [color] => ) ) [ordre] => 0 [label] => Tension [label_lang] => tension ) [185] => Array ( [ENFANTS] => Array ( [1501] => Array ( [label] => 1200 CPS/MIN [label_lang] => 1200 CPS/MIN [image] => [color] => ) ) [ordre] => 6 [label] => Fréquence de frappe [label_lang] => hitting rate ) [188] => Array ( [ENFANTS] => Array ( [899] => Array ( [label] => Non [label_lang] => Non [image] => [color] => ) ) [ordre] => 10 [label] => Carter indexable sans outils [label_lang] => free wheel cover ) [198] => Array ( [ENFANTS] => Array ( [796] => Array ( [label] => Li-ion [label_lang] => Li-ion [image] => [color] => ) ) [ordre] => 12 [label] => Type de batterie [label_lang] => type of battery ) [80] => Array ( [ENFANTS] => Array ( [899] => Array ( [label] => Non [label_lang] => Non [image] => [color] => ) ) [ordre] => 14 [label] => Blocage d'arbre [label_lang] => arbor lock ) [52] => Array ( [ENFANTS] => Array ( [899] => Array ( [label] => Non [label_lang] => Non [image] => [color] => ) ) [ordre] => 14 [label] => Eclairage [label_lang] => lighting ) [120] => Array ( [ENFANTS] => Array ( [899] => Array ( [label] => Non [label_lang] => Non [image] => [color] => ) ) [ordre] => 18 [label] => Variateur de vitesse [label_lang] => electronic variable speed ) [137] => Array ( [ENFANTS] => Array ( [899] => Array ( [label] => Non [label_lang] => Non [image] => [color] => ) ) [ordre] => 19 [label] => Changement rapide d'outil [label_lang] => fast change of tool ) [9] => Array ( [ENFANTS] => Array ( [6] => Array ( [label] => Boite couleur [label_lang] => Boite couleur [image] => [color] => ) ) [ordre] => 19 [label] => Emballage [label_lang] => packaging ) [208] => Array ( [ENFANTS] => Array ( [899] => Array ( [label] => Non [label_lang] => Non [image] => [color] => ) ) [ordre] => 40 [label] => Mouvement pendulaire [label_lang] => pendular movement ) ) ) [sqlTrieur] => SELECT tC.*, MTP.label AS Parent, MTE.label AS Enfant, MTE.image, MTE.value, MTP.ordre FROM trieurCollection tC INNER JOIN masterTrieurParent MTP USING(id_masterTrieurParent) INNER JOIN masterTrieurEnfant MTE ON tC.id_masterTrieurEnfant = MTE.id_masterTrieurEnfant WHERE tC.id_masterPrix = :id_masterPrix ORDER BY MTP.ordre, MTE.ordre ASC [nbTrieur] => 10 [sqlTrieurParent] => SELECT ParentLang.* FROM masterTrieurParent LEFT OUTER JOIN trieurParent_EN ParentLang USING(id_masterTrieurParent) WHERE id_masterTrieurParent = :id_masterTrieurParent [sqlTrieurEnfant] => SELECT EnfantLang.* FROM masterTrieurEnfant LEFT OUTER JOIN trieurEnfant_EN EnfantLang USING(id_masterTrieurEnfant) WHERE id_masterTrieurEnfant = :id_masterTrieurEnfant [id_masterProduit] => 2050 )
tension | 18 V |
hitting rate | 1200 CPS/MIN |
free wheel cover | |
type of battery | Li-ion |
arbor lock | |
lighting | |
electronic variable speed | |
fast change of tool | |
packaging | Boite couleur |
pendular movement |